
Gym Herbertgarten

Competition, 3rd prize, in cooperation with DMTK

Location: Klagenfurt, Carinthia
Principal use: gym
Total floor area: 1080m2
Year: 2021

Design team mostlikely: Mark Neuner, Agnes Schulz-Bongert
Design team DMTK: Daniela Mehlich, Teresa Klestorfer

After the preliminary study for the competition suggested an elevated gym in the first floor with very uninviting parking lots under the building we wanted to find a solution that harmonises with its enivornment.
We decided to focus on the connection between the new gym and its surroundings: the gym in the ground floor opens onto the sports field, can be seen from the outside and communicates with the existing buildings.

site plan


The elongated structure is placed along the existing sports field and separates the parking space from the sports area. The site is accessed through two separate entrances: the car park is accessed via the existing driveway while we planned a new entrance for pedestrians and cyclist that directly leads to the entrance of the gym.


ground floor
first floor


Our design uses the potential of the ground level connection and creates diverse insights and outlooks. The gym completely opens up to the sports field and a new terrace that communicates with the the existing club house.



connection between the gym and the sports field



axonometry of the construction


The facade of the building is defined by an interplay of opaque and translucent structures. We planned an ecological and economical material in the base area and the infrastructure section: hempcrete. Hempcrete has very good thermal insulation properties, has a positive effect on the room climate and can be produced sustainably.


facade south-east





The translucent facade consists of a double-shell construction made of polycarbonate elements that are highly efficient against heat loss and overheating.


detailed section