
The Rockspeaker

Location: Vienna
Year: 2015
Design type: Product
Design team: Maik Perfahl / Wolfgang List
Design partner: Mo Sound
Press Kit The Rockspeaker

The Rockspeakers are 3D printed active and passive speakers. The Rockspeaker is one of the first products we are developing and producing with a 3d printer. We teamed up with Viennese speaker manufacturer Mo Sound, who is already well-known for its spherical ceramic speakers, to craft a high fidelity speaker with an edgy design.
With the 3d printer we are able to shape and control the inside, the outside and the density of the speaker to get the best sound possible. Starting with the spherical shape we added a bass reflex tube to reach lower frequencies and switched to the edgy design for easier handling while maintaining the sound characteristics of the sphere.
Now we can offer a high fidelity speaker system, designed and handcrafted in Vienna, at a competitive price! The speakers are available in black, white, opaque, yellow, purple, pink, red and green. The material used for the case is PLA, a biodegradable thermoplastic.