In the dissertation Entwerfen mit Modellen – Untersuchung zur Relevanz analoger Modelle für die Entwurfslehre the process of designing with the help of analogue models is researched. In the investigation the Actor-Network-Theory is used as a method to reveal the complexity and diversity of analogue models. The research is about the influence of analogue models on the design process and about their influence on the process of teaching and learning to design. The investigation is accompanied by case studies taken from the teaching work at the Institute of Construction and Design Principles at Graz University of Technology.

    Author: Wolfgang List
    Genre: Dissertation
    Year: 2020
    Pages: 256
    Language: German



      The book DEMOLISHED MODIFIED ENDANGERED shows architecture models of 45 icons of modern Austrian architecture. The chosen buildings have all either been changed, destroyed or were never realised. The models do not aim at being a scaled down direct representation of the build spaces. Instead the models seek to show the core design ideas of the projects. Each model is accompanied by a short description of the project as well as the methods and materials used to create the model. This project was carried out at the Institute of Construction and Design Principles (KOEN) at the Technical University of Graz.

      Editor: Petra Petersson / Wolfgang List
      Publisher: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
      Year: 2018
      Pages: 194
      Language: English



        Step by step guideline for building a minimal single person house. How to build a house step by step? How many steps does it needs? These questions get answered in my final thesis for the architecture title at the TU-Vienna. The result is a 300 pages thick book containing a step by step guideline in pictures how to build a minimal single person house. The design of the house is not an up to date high end design. It is the opposite. A low tech design, an A-Frame, a very common typology in the US in the 60´s. The easiest structure and way to build a house. The final product denies the regular architecture plans learned in architecture education and can be read by everybody – open source.

        Author: Wolfgang List
        Pages: 322
        Year: 2008

        14.03. – 23.03. TEAM WIEN / Ebook

          14.03. – 23.03. TEAM WIEN / Ebook

          Editors: Wolfgang List / Petra Petersson / KOEN Institute of Construction and Design Principles – TU Graz
          Authors: Mostlikely / Tzou Lubroth Architekten / Büro KLK / Bika Rebek / Anna Paul / Madame Architects / Felix Steinhof / Daniela Mehlich
          Pages: 156
          Year: 2017

          MOST LIKELY DESIGN / Ebook

            MOST LIKELY DESIGN / Ebook

            The book MOST LIKELY DESIGN is, on the one hand, a do it yourself guide and should help to design and develop an affordable product. Further more how to produce and distribute a product by yourself and it should give a rough overview about todays marketing strategies for small scale companies. On the other hand, MOST LIKELY DESIGN tells the story of a small company that developed, out of luck, a product that gets produced on demand and has been sold worldwide over 15000 times.

            Author: Wolfgang List
            216 pages
            Language: English
            ISBN: 978-3-9504125-0-5