Crowd Constructing & Low Tech Prototyping
Year: 2012 – 2016
Research team: Maik Perfahl / Mark Neuner / Wolfgang List
Research type: Research by Design
Research output: Workshops / Teaching
This research was developed during several workshops and exhibitions by the Mostlikely team. The aim of Mostlikely is to experiment with the medium of paper. We build huge paper sculptures with the help of a lot of people. These paper sculptures like THE BASILISK for the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK or THE LOOP at the KUNSTHAUS GRAZ are made out of 300 – 400 single parts. These parts are constructed by volunteers in hundreds of working hours in a museum or gallery under constant public viewing. The exhibition is not only the final sculpture, it is also the process of building something big together. There is always the risk of failing like in a big soccer game for example. The exhibitions are never repeated and are always an experiment with the material paper. We named these methods „crowdconstructing“ and „low tech prototyping“.
Crowdconstructing is our term for outsourcing the work that is normally done by designers, like developing and producing an object, to a group of volunteers.
Low tech prototyping is our term for producing something big, fast and affordable like our oversize paper sculpture. The term is meant as a critic on the expensive and in size limited process of rapid prototyping.